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Remedial Proficiency Testing

Remedial Proficiency Testing

Remedial proficiency testing is a service API offers to those who need to test specimens in addition to regular proficiency testing. This is usually required when a laboratory has had poor performance on a particular analyte in two of three test events. If your laboratory encounters a need for this service (which includes a written performance evaluation), call to speak with a Technical Specialist for more details. Remedial evaluations are not included in our A2LA scope of accreditation.

Self-Evaluation Samples

Self-Evaluation Samples

Self Evaluation sampled are samples from prior PT events with peer generated expected ranges. These samples include testing instructions and self-reporting worksheets and can be used for new method validation, staff training, or troubleshooting failures from another PT provider.

Troubleshooting Samples

Troubleshooting Samples

Occasionally, laboratories wish to re-test a proficiency testing sample as part of a corrective action plan. Most API samples are available for this purpose at a nominal charge.

How to Order

Contact our Technical Support team by phone at 800-333-0958 or by email at TechSupport@api-pt.com and receive off schedule advice on the service that best meets your laboratory needs.