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Track proficiency performance using API DataDashboard

The dashboard includes trend data by analyte, percentage of acceptable results compared to all API labs, failure count by test event, and analytes with unsatisfactory performance.

Customers can log in to their API Paperless PT account to access their dashboard.

Track proficiency performance using API DataDashboard

API’s DataDashboard provides laboratories a free tool to quickly and easily review proficiency performance over the six most recent test events.

  • Prepare for accreditation inspections by identifying deficiencies or areas that require improvement

  • Aquire benchmarking data

  • Streamline troubleshooting and subsequent corrective action measures

  • Flag a problem with an analyte before a failure occurs

Customize Your PT Data

With DataDashboard you can export evaluation and performance data into Excel, allowing you to tailor how you view, organize, and present proficiency data.

This feature is a valuable tool for laboratories tracking failures, quality management personnel, and those managing multiple sites.