Frequently asked questions
What allergens are included in #419 – Diagnostic Allergy?
A variety of allergens are targeted each test event and will include Animals (3), Food (3), Grass pollens (2), Mold (1), Tree pollens (2), and Weed pollen (1). For a specific list of potential targets, please contact API Technical Support at
I have a result that is “borderline/Equivocal/Indeterminate.” How should I indicate this when reporting my results?
Participants can only report results as Positive/Reactive or Negative/Non-Reactive. If a result is borderline Equivocal/Indeterminate, the reporting box should be left blank, and a comment should be added by clicking on the sample ID in the online reporting area.
Which method should I select for Infectious Mononucleosis testing?
Method choices in the Infectious Mononucleosis program include options for whole blood testing (designated with “WB”) and serum/plasma methods (designated “S/P”). You should select whichever method reflects your testing protocol for patients. Only one method choice can be selected.
My lab has two different procedures, whole blood and serum/plasma, for Infectious Mononucleosis testing. Which method should I use for proficiency testing?
Results can only be reported from one method during the test event. The lab will want to consider several factors, such as which procedure is used more often for patient testing and test complexity, when determining which method to report.
Can I report a quantitative result for SARS-CoV-2 antibody?
Participants can only report results as Positive or Negative. If you wish to report a quantitative result for your records, first record the result as either Positive or Negative, then append a comment to the sample by clicking on the sample ID in the online reporting area and record the.
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With API’s DataDirect proficiency results are uploaded using your LIS. This upload eliminates the main cause of PT failures- clerical errors.
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