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2025 Shipping Schedule
Ship Dates
Replacement Deadline
PT Results Due Date
Verification Due Date
Evaluations Available Online
1st Event
March 24, 25
April 1
April 9
April 16
April 29
2nd Event
July 28, 29
August 5
August 13
August 20
September 2
3rd Event
November 17, 18
November 25
December 3
December 10
December 23


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Molecular Microbiology

Molecular Microbiology

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Urinalysis & Microscopy

Urinalysis & Microscopy

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Frequently asked questions

My lab performs electronic crossmatch for most of our patients. Do I need to perform serologic crossmatching for proficiency testing?

CMS considers electronic crossmatch as a non-regulated analyte. Therefore, a serologic crossmatch needs to be performed on five samples, three times per year to satisfy regulatory requirements. API offers program #532 or #537, include serologic crossmatch reporting to fulfill this requirement.

Can my lab be enrolled, and report results in both #512 – Blood Bank and #517 – Automated Blood Bank during the proficiency test event?

These programs consist of different sample sets with different targets. As such, reporting results in both programs is not considered duplicate testing and is allowed. If you are enrolled in both #512 – Blood Bank and #517 – Automated Blood Bank, your scores from #512 Blood Bank will be sent to CMS. If you want #517- Automated Blood Bank scores to go to CMS, you should enroll in a verification program for manual blood bank. If you want only one set of results accessible to any regulatory agency, you can enroll in a verification program for either manual or automated testing. To determine which one, your laboratory director should decide which type of testing is considered primary for PT purposes.

My lab performs DAT tests using an automated method, with a manual method as a back-up. Can my lab be enrolled in both #514 and #534?

These programs consist of different sample sets with different targets. As such, reporting results in both programs is not considered duplicate testing and is allowed. If you want only one set of results accessible to regulatory agencies, you can enroll in a verification program for either manual or automated testing. To determine which one, your laboratory director should determine which type of testing is considered primary for PT purposes.

We perform Immunohematology using manual and automated methods, how do I determine which blood bank program to order?

API offers blood bank programs for both manual and automated testing programs. Each program includes unique sample sets and thus reporting results in both programs is not considered duplicate testing and is allowed. However, it may be preferred to have one program designated as your primary method and enroll in a verification program for your secondary method. If you are unsure what to order, please contact API Technical Support.

What if I perform part of my blood bank procedure with a manual method and part with automated method, do I need to enroll in two different programs?

If part of your testing is completed using an Automated process you should enroll in #517- Automated Blood Bank, you may report manual methods as well as automated methods within this program.

I am confused about reporting instructions for compatibility testing, what should I do?

API always encourages contacting Technical Support for assistance with any reporting issues. In the case that the deadline has come close, and it is outside of operating hours, we recommend appending a comment to any sample that your facility has encountered problems with and input documentation with your submission.

Take API for a Test Drive

Not a current customer? Sign up to receive free Chemistry samples and experience firsthand our amazing DataDirect feature.

With API’s DataDirect proficiency results are uploaded using your LIS. This upload eliminates the main cause of PT failures- clerical errors.

No additional cost or interface is needed and the setup is easy!

As an added bonus for taking a Test Drive, the entire lab staff can begin using the free online Continuing Education (CE) immediately.

Take API for a Test Drive