Welcome! API customers, please click 'Login' to access the Paperless PT and Continuing Education sites.

At American Proficiency Institute every aspect of your proficiency testing is controlled by you – how you choose to receive your test kits, how you report results, and whether to review test results using traditional reports or using graphical analysis. Throughout the entire process, you have the backing of the most advanced proficiency testing organization in the world.


Laboratories Supported

7 million

Results Uploaded Utilizing DataDirect


Free CE Credits Offered Annually

Our Features & Benefits



Paperless Proficiency Testing

Paperless Proficiency Testing

Paperless Proficiency Testing is available to all participants enrolled with API. This easy to use feature gives participants the ability to submit, review, and print reports online. Participating labs will receive important email alerts regarding upcoming shipments and result due dates.

Rapid Turnaound Time

Rapid Turnaound Time

Test evaluations are available online for viewing and printing within 18 days of the result form submission due date, so managers can facilitate prompt corrective action if necessary. For participants choosing to receive paper evaluations, they normally arrive in the mail within two weeks after they are available online.

Management Reports

Management Reports

API provides consolidated management reports for those involved in the administration of multiple laboratories. These reports summarize each facility's current and long-term performance. A failure summary is listed on the first page, giving managers vital information to take corrective action.

Take API for a Test Drive

Not a current customer? Sign up to receive free Chemistry samples and experience firsthand our amazing DataDirect feature.

With API’s DataDirect proficiency results are uploaded using your LIS. This upload eliminates the main cause of PT failures- clerical errors.

No additional cost or interface is needed and the setup is easy!

As an added bonus for taking a Test Drive, the entire lab staff can begin using the free online Continuing Education (CE) immediately.

Take API for a Test Drive